Healthy Communities Coalition DECEMBER BREAKFAST MEETING
HCC hosts a public breakfast meeting every other month at the Silver Springs Community Center. Each meeting includes introductions and updates from all attendees, special guest speakers, and discussion and updates about collaborative efforts to increase access to health care, nutritious food, workforce development, and prevention of alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use.
The next meeting is Thursday, Dec. 12th, at 9 a.m. at the Silver Springs Community Center on the left side of the Senior Center building at 2945 Fort Churchill Street, Silver Springs, NV 89429.
1) Alzheimer’s Association, Northern Nevada )
Ten Signs of Alzheimer’s, Brain Health, Myths, and Local Resources
2) Nations Finest, which serves veterans throughout Northern Nevada with programs such as the VA’s Supportive Services For Veteran Families (SSVF) Program
Healthy Communities is comprised of dozens of local, state, federal, and tribal group partners, community volunteers, and staff members, all working together on a common mission to strengthen communities in the Lyon and Storey regions by increasing access to 1) health care and prevention of alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use; 2) nutritious food; and 3) sustainable community-based opportunities that serve the common good and strengthen local assets and self-reliance.